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How to maximise the value of magazine coverage

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How to maximise the value of magazine coverage

Print marketing continues to have its place in the world of business, with the value of magazine coverage still particularly high.

Digital media has so dominated the world of marketing in recent years that the significance of magazines often remains underestimated. However, for businesses seeking to bolster their brand presence and connect with consumers on a deeper level, magazines offer a multifaceted platform that blends the power of editorial content and print advertising.

There are a diverse range of advantages to magazines, including the value of editorial content and print advertising, the legitimacy and credibility gained from being featured, the expansive target audience reach, the accessibility of magazines, and their engaging content formats, longevity, and shelf-life. It’s also important to follow up on magazine coverage in the digital space and deploy strategies for leveraging articles for thought leadership and personal branding.


The value of editorial content

The value of magazine coverage is that they’re renowned for their curated editorial content, offering readers a diverse array of insightful articles, expert analysis, and captivating features. Here’s why editorial content holds immense value for businesses:

1. Thought leadership platform

Contributing thought-provoking articles or expert insights to a magazine establishes businesses as thought leaders within their industry. These contributions showcase expertise, foster credibility, and position the brand as a trusted authority, garnering the respect and attention of readers.

2. Brand storytelling opportunities

Editorial content provides a platform for businesses to craft compelling narratives about their brand. Whether sharing origin stories, highlighting milestones, or spotlighting initiatives, editorial features enable brands to connect with readers on an emotional level, fostering brand affinity and loyalty.

3. Educational content delivery

Magazines serve as a conduit for sharing educational content with target audiences. By offering valuable insights, industry trends, and practical advice, businesses can position themselves as trusted advisors, empowering readers to make informed decisions.


The value of print advertising

Print advertising in magazines remains a potent marketing tool, offering unique advantages that digital channels often lack. Here’s why businesses should consider leveraging print adverts in magazines:

1. Tangible engagement

Print adverts captivate readers through compelling visuals, headlines, and creative design. Unlike digital ads that can be easily ignored, print ads demand attention, fostering deeper engagement and enhancing brand recall.

2. Targeted audience reach

Magazines enable advertisers to reach specific target demographics with precision. Whether it’s a niche publication catering to industry professionals or a lifestyle magazine targeting affluent consumers, print advertising ensures that messages resonate with the most relevant audience segments.

3. Longevity and shelf-life

Print ads enjoy an extended shelf life, lingering in homes, offices, and waiting rooms long after publication. This sustained exposure reinforces brand awareness, influencing purchase decisions over time and providing a higher return on investment.


Legitimacy, credibility, and trust

Being featured in a magazine lends legitimacy, credibility, and trust to businesses, enhancing their reputation and brand image. Here’s why magazine features are invaluable:

1. Third-party validation

Magazine features provide a tacit endorsement from the publication, signalling to readers that the business is worthy of attention and consideration. This third-party validation bolsters credibility and instils trust in the brand.

2. Association with quality content

Magazines are synonymous with quality journalism and editorial integrity. By appearing alongside authoritative content, businesses benefit from positive association, positioning themselves as reliable and trustworthy entities in the eyes of consumers.

3. Enhanced perceived value

Magazine features elevate the perceived value of a business and its offerings. Readers perceive businesses featured in magazines as prestigious and influential, enhancing brand desirability and competitive advantage.


Target audience reach

Magazines offer unparalleled opportunities for targeting specific audience segments. Here’s how businesses can leverage magazines for audience reach:

1. Demographic targeting

Magazines cater to diverse demographics, allowing businesses to select publications that align with their target audience characteristics.

2. Geographic targeting

Magazines offer geographic targeting options, enabling businesses to focus their advertising efforts on specific regions or markets.

3. Psychographic profiling

Magazines facilitate psychographic targeting based on interests, values, and lifestyle preferences, ensuring that messages resonate with readers on a deeper level.


Accessibility, longevity and shelf-life

Magazines are easily accessible in various locations, including newsstands, bookstores, waiting rooms, and online platforms. This accessibility ensures widespread distribution and maximises exposure for businesses.

They also typically have a longer shelf life compared to digital content, remaining in circulation for weeks or months. This longevity extends the exposure of advertisements and editorial features, maximising their impact over time.


Engaging content formats

Magazines offer diverse content formats, from feature articles to visuals, infographics, and interactive elements. These engaging formats capture readers’ attention and drive deeper engagement with the content.


Leveraging articles

Being featured in a magazine article presents an opportunity to leverage the coverage for additional gain:

1. Thought leadership

Businesses can leverage articles to establish themselves as thought leaders by providing valuable insights, analysis, and commentary on relevant topics.

2. Personal branding

Executives and spokespeople can leverage articles to enhance their personal brand by sharing personal stories, expertise, and insights, positioning themselves as industry authorities.


Digital Follow Up

Once your business has been featured in a magazine, it’s essential to maximise the impact of that coverage by extending its reach in the digital realm. Here are effective strategies for repurposing magazine coverage across various digital platforms:

Reusing content on the company website

  1. Create a dedicated press or media page: Establish a dedicated section on your website where you showcase all your media appearances, including magazine features. Provide links to the articles or features and include any relevant images or excerpts.
  2. Feature the coverage in blog posts: Write blog posts discussing the magazine feature, providing additional context or insights related to the content. Embed images or snippets from the magazine to make the post visually appealing.
  3. Add quotes or excerpts to key pages: Incorporate quotes or excerpts from the magazine feature into relevant pages on your website, such as the homepage, product pages, or About Us section, to highlight your achievements and credibility.


Sharing on social media platforms

  1. Facebook: Share the magazine feature on your Facebook page, accompanied by a brief summary or teaser to entice followers to read more. Consider creating a visually appealing graphic using images or quotes from the feature to increase engagement.
  2. Instagram: Create visually stunning posts for Instagram featuring images from the magazine feature. Use engaging captions to provide context or insights and encourage followers to visit your profile or website for more information.
  3. LinkedIn: Share the magazine feature on your LinkedIn profile or company page to showcase your expertise and industry recognition. Write a thoughtful post discussing key takeaways from the feature and invite your network to engage with the content.


Including in email newsletters

  1. Feature story highlights: Include highlights or excerpts from the magazine feature in your email newsletters to subscribers. Provide a brief introduction or commentary to contextualise the content and encourage recipients to click through to read the full feature on your website.
  2. Visual newsletter design: Incorporate images or screenshots from the magazine feature to create visually appealing newsletter layouts. Use compelling headlines and call-to-action buttons to drive traffic to the corresponding page on your website.
  3. Invite feedback and engagement: Encourage subscribers to share their thoughts or reactions to the magazine feature by including a call-to-action prompting them to leave comments, share the newsletter with their network, or engage with your brand on social media.

By repurposing magazine coverage across your company website, social media platforms, and email newsletters, you can extend the reach and impact of the feature, engage with your audience, and reinforce your brand’s credibility and authority in the digital space.



The value of magazine coverage is that it offers a dynamic platform for businesses to elevate their brand, engage with consumers, and achieve their marketing objectives. Whether through editorial content, print advertising, or leveraging articles for thought leadership and personal branding, magazines provide unique opportunities for brand enhancement and audience engagement. By strategically integrating magazines into their marketing mix and capitalising on their distinct advantages, businesses can unlock new avenues for growth, differentiation, and success in today’s competitive landscape.

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